Health Services/ Division of the Animal Services
Meeting Date: 12/4/2024
Purpose: Provide & Deliver Various Idexx Veterinary Laboratory Equipment - BC-Bid-24-66.1
Dollar Amount: $48,423.46 NOT TO EXCEED
Account Nos.:
04-215-22-14-3301-551 - $ 26,399.50 CAPITAL
04-215-21-15-3301-551 - $13,500.00 CAPITAL
04-215-20-04-3301-551 - $ 659.58 CAPITAL
03-200-56-330-268 - $ 7,864.38 TRUST
Requisition No.: 305760
Contract Basis: Bid
Vendor No.: 19787
Name: Idexx Distribution, Inc.
Address: One Idexx Drive, Westbrook, Maine 04092
Prepared By: PJG:jh